Portraits By Colleen
PORTRAITS BY COLLEEN started in 2009 when I made my first portrait of a dog where I volunteered at the PSPCA. Since then I have volunteered with ACCT, Philadelphia’s contracted animal shelter responsible for the city’s unwanted animals, the Penn Vet Working Dog Center, where I witnessed the potential of dogs to perform search and rescue tasks and detect cancer cells. I assisted with and photographed programs like Hand 2 Paw and New Leash on Life, which both demonstrated the healing power that dogs and cats have for humans. I’ve been a member of HeartsSpeak.org, an organization who's mission is to unite the individual efforts of animal artists and animal rescues into collective action for social change.
The drawings, paintings and sculptures included here are my attempt to honor all types of creatures by creating a one of a kind portrait. Many are commissions. Please email me with any questions or if you’d like to have a portrait made of someone in your life.